When Weeds premieres its sixth season on August 16, Nancy and company are on the run after Shane murdered Pilar with a croquet mallet. (These things happen to the Botwins.) According to Entertainment Weekly, a pair of familiar faces with be joining the family on the Showtime hit. Linda Hamilton, the original Sarah Connor, will portray an eco-conscious marijuana grower. Along with her life partner, this character will helps Nancy settle in Seattle. Also, Peter Stormare (Prison Break, Entourage) will play a hot-tempered German chef and Andy's new boss.
演员:肖恩·宾 詹姆斯·尼尔森-乔伊斯 汉娜·昂斯洛 杰克·麦克马伦 朱莉·格雷厄姆 劳拉·艾克曼 凯文·哈维 希尔莎-莫妮卡·杰克逊 迈克·诺布尔 鲍比·斯科菲尔德 达茜·肖 斯蒂芬·沃尔特斯
演员:贾思敏·塔巴塔拜 卡罗莉内·特斯卡 弗洛里安娜·丹妮尔 约亨·尼克尔 亨宁·鲍姆 托马斯·沙夫 Tatjana·Clasing·Tatjana·Clasing Maximilian·Grill·Maximilian·Grill Luise·Risch·Luise·Risch Nadine·Brandt·Nadine·Brandt Stefanie·Höner·Stefanie·Höner